
E3000 Hydronic Heaters

E3000 Hydronic Heaters: dual reeled hydronic heater for the toughest jobs.

Engineered for reliable performance and trouble-free starts for up to 140 hours of run time, the E3000 will provide maximum flow and ensure consistent heat delivery for thawing and curing applications. The E3000 thaws or cures up to 557 sq. m With accessories this heater will cure up to 1672 sq. m or provide 49703 sq. m of dry heat at 83% efficiency, the highest in the industry.

E3000 Hydronic Heaters

Powerful positive displacement pumps

  • Positive displacement pumps allow for strong continuous flow and high head height.
E3000 Hydronic Heaters

Dual hose reels

  • Two hose reels allow for maximum versatility during thawing or curing.

More Features

E3000 Hydronic Heaters

Lifting Bail

  • Lifting bail allows for easy and safe transport.
E3000 Hydronic Heaters

6 kW generator

  • The 6 kW generator features a standard 1,000 hour service interval and delivers up to 81 hours of continuous run time. The genset top opens completely, providing easy access to the oil filter, Kohler engine and other components.
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