
EW65 mobile excavator excavating a pipe trench in the filed
Monobloc boom Articulated boom
Height of dozer blade 16.9 in 16.9 in
Width of cab 39.4 in 39.4 in
Track width 11.82 in 11.82 in
Boom swing radius center 96.1 in 102.64 in
Distance bucket dozer blade, short shovel arm 2 in 20.2 in
A2 Total height with rotating beacon 116.2 in 116.2 in
B Width of upper carriage 76.08 in 76.08 in
B Width travel gear twin tires 81.4 in 81.4 in
B Width travel gear single tires 75.3 in 75.3 in
C Transport length short shovel arm 238.5 in 242.6 in
C Transport length long shovel arm 243.8 in 247.6 in
D Digging depth max., short shovel arm 137.7 in 140.2 in
D Digging depth max., long shovel arm 149.4 in 151.9 in
E Piercing depth max., short shovel arm 81.4 in 96.1 in
E Piercing depth max., long shovel arm 92.1 in 106.7 in
F Piercing height max., short shovel arm 236.7 in 266.5 in
G Dumping height max., short shovel arm 164.1 in 193.5 in
G Dumping height max., long shovel arm 171.2 in 202.6 in
H Digging radius max., short shovel arm 242.6 in
H Digging radius max., long shovel arm 253.7 in 268.2 in
I Max. reach at ground level (short shovel arm) 234.9 in 249.8 in
I Max. reach at ground level (long shovel arm) 246.4 in 261.5 in
J Tail swing radius 57.48 in 57.48 in
K1 Boom offset max. (to center of bucket right side) 29.9 in 29.9 in
K2 Boom offset max. (to center of bucket left side) 19.2 in 19.2 in
L Stacking height max. (dozer blade above surface) 15.4 in 15.4 in
M Digging depth max. (dozer blade below surface) 11.7 in 11.7 in
N Length travel drive 113.75 in 113.75 in
O1 Max. swivel angle (arm system to the left) 67 ° 67 °
O2 Max. swivel angle (arm system to the right) 63 ° 63 °
Q2 Boom swing radius right 94.28 in 99.64 in
Q3 Boom swing radius left 76.44 in 81.68 in

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*Mandatory field
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